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    World class phone systems to help increase productivity.

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    Large portfolio of services to help manage your spend.

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    Comprehensive mobile phone solutions to assist with your flexibility.

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    Data and broadband solutions to improve your flow of information.

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    We're adding value by giving back to your community.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Adodo Launches HangoutLocalHelp.com

SME’s, charities, the Public Sector are all under pressure to deliver more, simply to survive. They know technology can help but it just keeps getting in the way.  No time to plan it because of the day to day firefighting. Loneliness at the top also breeds inertia on things you don’t understand.
Well help is at hand. Adodo Consultancy has launched a FREE web application aimed specifically at helping any organisation focus on the basics of marketing in this digital age. HangoutLocalHelp.com is a tool that provides good actionable information specifically aimed at the number one challenge for the majority of businesses – finding more buyers for their products and services. The old marketing methods are being replaced through technological innovation. Just like the dodo, if you don’t adapt your business will die.
There are simple guides available to help you with things like your online reputation, social media and mobile marketing. Do you know how many reviews, good or bad, you have out there? If you don’t know check it out now as protecting your reputation is extremely important. Online reviews are second only to personal advice from a friend as the driver of purchase decisions. It is critical that your business has its Reputation Marketing in check. (Source Grabstats.com)
Tim Glynn, Adodo’s Managing Director said “our slogan has always been New Technology, Traditional Values. With the webapp we hope to assist all those like ourselves who wish to grow their businesses. Small innovative organisations really are the future and these are exciting times if you care to grab the opportunities.”
It takes time effort and lots of hit and miss to turn a prospect into a new client or customer. All that effort could be going to waste simply because of one or two things that you are not aware of. HangoutLocalHelp.com could act as your checklist to ensure that you are getting maximum return for your efforts. There are more benefits planned for the tool later in the year but for now the majority of SME’s, charities and social enterprises could improve their chances of success by obtaining their FREE copy now and acting on the information provided. As an introductory offer you could also qualify for a Complimentary £500 Market Research Voucher, but hurry as these will be limited.
Adodo has won awards for it’s Community Initiatives and it’s that ethos that is behind the new web application. Managing Director Tim Glynn has been part of the Nottingham Business Community for the past 30 years and gives his support to such organisations as ProHelp, part of Business in the Community.